1st November 2024

The need to sustain manufacturing capabilities and jobs that will lead our region’s industrial transformation were key themes during Net Zero Economy Agency's (NZEA) Chair Dr Iain Ross' tour of Ampcontrol HQ and participation in an Industry Roundtable last week – hosted by the Committee for the Hunter.
Having Commonwealth leadership and advisors in the region – including a Reserve Bank Board Member in Dr Iain Ross – listening to a diverse range of stakeholders and understanding the issues on the ground impeding us from our shared vision for prosperity is incredibly valuable. For the Hunter in getting our voice to the top and centre of decisions. And for governments as they make informed decisions on priorities, policy and funding.
Key points discussed include:
Address current pain points, including gas prices and supply, or risk losing the very businesses that will help the Hunter and Australia win in the clean energy economy.
A targeted approach to procurement to create demand and incentivise clean tech manufacturing, where we have competitive advantage in domestic and global supply chain.
Securing low cost, reliable clean energy at scale to support industry decarbonisation, including a strong role for offshore wind.
Dr Iain Ross and the NZEA leadership team also met with students from Cessnock High School, reps of the Youth Committee for the Hunter, and people working with youth to understand their priorities and issues.
We showcased family-owned indigenous business Booma Food Group, established by the visionary Cory, Linda and Jas Robertson, who are producing high value food products through circular economy. Creating sustainable jobs and a safe, healthy environment for our region’s young.
When asked, young people are able to articulate what is holding them back, including access to jobs, housing, education and services, including mental health.
So please point any 18-35 year olds who live in the Hunter towards Youth Voice Hunter Survey 2024. You can tell them their voice matters, and the Committee gets their priorities to the government.